League Info
Draws Draws
Kiwi Volley - Memorial Hall - 11th Ave



Years 3 & 4 Modified rules 4 aside

Years 5 & 6  4 aside - See entry form for different grades



Games Friday 21st February - 4th April

4:00pm – 7.15pm

Entries Close:
Midday  Friday 14th February

Please enter eazch team online to get into our system correctly.


Memorial Hall - 11th Ave (little hall beside QEYC)



Entry Fees - $190 per team - School or Team contact will be invoiced in Week 2

Payment to be made  by Direct Credit to Volleyball Tauranga 03-1548-0004124-00



This is the first taste of volleyball for primary school kids. We’ve modified the rules of volleyball to make it easy for all to get involved in this game.

This game is played on a badminton court, with a 1.8m net. Teams have 4 players on the court at a time, but we recommend teams of 6 players, with players rotating on and off the court.

The other major change is that contacts which are passed to a team mate may be caught and immediately thrown (rather than hit), with the contact that plays the ball over the net (usually the 3rd contact) MUST be hit. Referees  will be asked to encorage a quick second pass. Please progress your team to use the volleyball pass, set, hit skill as soon as they are able. 

We have made some rule modifications 

Years 3 & 4 (we are hoping to make this year level more fast moving by reducing the number of catches):

  • Years 3 & 4 team now have up to 3 contacts allowed to return the ball over the net. 1 catch , 1 throw and 1 hit.

  • The service is made by the team who won the previous point. The server must be more than 1 metre from the net.

Years 5 & 6 - will be expected to play the normal 3 contacts - catch, pass, hit.. Encourage your players to move to a Pass, Set, Hit skill as soon as they are able.

 We will try and grade teams so the better skilled teams will  be grouped together.

Years 7 & 8 - will be expected to play the normal rules.

Ask our Court Manager if you need help with the rules. . Our aim is to have RALLIES.  It's much more fun.


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