Draws Draws


2025 RULES



  • All games for Years 3-6 are played for 40 minutes. 

  • Games for Year 7&8 are 35mins.

  • You play a set to 25 points and then rotate to the other end and continue with a new set.

  • Balls can hit the net on a serve (as long as they go over)

  • If a player touches the net it is a fault.

  • Players cannot ATTACK the first ball over the net.

  • If the ball is on the line, it’s in. 

  • Servers must wait for the refs signal and whistle to commence their action

  • Refs of Kiwi Volley MUST be encouraging (to both teams)

Year 3 & 4 - Kiwi Volley

-Year 3 & 4 teams have up to 3 contacts to return the ball over the net. 1 catch, 1 pass and 1 hit. 
- Encourage a 3 hit rally play
-The same player cannot make two contacts in a row.
-Year 3 & 4 teams rotate clockwise when a new server starts after winning the previous point.
-The serve SHOULD be underarm. After 5 serves in a row by the same server, that team must rotate to      their next server.
-NO OVERARM serving in this grade.
-  Every rally scores a point for the successful team – Rally Point system

Year 5 & 6 – Kiwi Volley

-Three hits per team is the ideal sequence …………Catch/Pass, Set, Hit/Spike (over).
- Ball can go over the net in one, two or three hits.
-The ball can be played with ANY part of the body .
-When a player catches and throws they must remain stationary during the action and pass on as quickly as possible.
-Players must not touch the net.
-Players rotate in a clockwise direction
- Coaches are responsible for ensuring all players on team get a turn on the court
- A team rotates when the serve has been won off the opposition team.
-After 5 serves (points) in a row that team must rotate to their next server and continue.
-2 OVERARM serves- from the back line (competent) or back area (learner) followed by 3 underarm
-  A point is scored every rally. We are aiming for rallies!

- Note - New Grades this term - Competent (Can only overhead serve from the baseline) or  Learner - Underhand serve only

Year 7 & 8 Grade

-This grade will not be allowed to catch and throw.
-They will play 6-a-side on a FULL Adult Volleyball Court.
- Only TWO overarm serves are allowed then underhand serves.
- Overarm serves MUST be from behind the back line (Foot can touch the line)
- After 5 successful serves by the same player you must rotate in your team to continue serving.
- Players must not touch the net
- Back court players cannot attack the ball above the net in the front court (3m line)
- If during a spike/block both teams touch the net then it is replayed and no point given. 

An adult MUST be sideline at all times of play to supervise the team.

Any queries on rules please approach your Court Manager or email infor@volleyballtauranga.co.nz or ph 0274.824.334

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